Page update - Mar 10, 2023
Are vaping and iQos banned in Tunisia? Can you bring your own devices, sticks or liquids on vacation? What are the rules and fines for violations? Read the answers on this page.
The prices and legal information on this page were updated in March 2023.
They are allowed. There is no banning law in Tunisia yet, and it is unlikely that such a law will appear any time soon.
However, various initiatives to ban alternative methods of tobacco consumption arise all the time. For example, on December 14, 2020, Rafla Tej Dellagi, a representative of the Ministry of Health, called for stricter regulation of vape liquids as "toxic substances". But everyone has long been accustomed to such high-profile pronouncements. All such statements in recent years are mere verbiage and nothing more.
But the situation with the import and sale of vape supplies and iQos is complicated. Since 2014, there has been a monopoly on the import and wholesale of vape accessories. The monopolist is RNTA Tunisie (National Directorate of Tobacco and Matches, headquartered in Kairouan).
The RNTA is a state-owned company that now has monopolies on the import, manufacture and wholesale of: cigarettes and other tobacco products, matches, playing cards and gunpowder for hunting weapons. Since 2014, all vape items have been added to this list.
The RNTA officially supplies only a few types of e-cigarettes. And by the way, they make their own national e-cigarette, called "Salim Yasmine Tunisie".
iQos, GLO and similar tobacco heating systems fell under the RNTA monopoly also. But RNTA has never officially supplied them to Tunisia and does not intend to yet.
THE RESULT! 80-90% of all vape devices and liquids in Tunisia are smuggled now. The quality of the liquids is a big lottery. Hence the conclusion: make sure you bring a supply of liquids and sticks with you.
You can, the law does not prohibit it.
RNTA's monopoly and import ban is confirmed by the Tunisian Competition Commission Decision 142514 of May 15, 2014. This decision declares, and we quote, "RNTA is the sole supplier and distributor of vaping accessories".
For the text of the explanatory letter to the decision, see here.
That is, the Decision applies only to commercial batches of goods. But the Decision does not restrict in any way the importation of the items by individuals for personal use. That is the situation from a legal point of view.
Just make sure that the quantities are clearly of a non-commercial nature. One device, up to 30 milliliters of liquids, up to 200 sticks is fine, no more is advised.
However, do not forget! That any customs officer may have HIS OWN opinion on the matter. Unfortunately, we are not immune to the opinions of customs officers and other officials, neither in Tunisia, nor in any other country. So we recommend not taking an expensive device, just in case.
Tunisia has a Law 9817 (1998) on the prevention of the harm of smoking. This law clearly defines "tobacco products" as "consisting of tobacco even in part".
Accordingly. The restrictions and penalties are exactly the same as for regular cigarette smokers. And even if your vape liquid does not contain nicotine, you are still subject to the same restrictions. Read about the restrictions and penalties in our in-depth review "Smoking and cigarettes in Tunisia".
It is almost impossible to buy iQos sticks, as iQos is not officially delivered to Tunisia. It is of course possible that you may find a contraband stick on sale in a shop somewhere near your hotel, but you can't rely on it.
Liquids and vaping devices can be found without too much trouble. There are plenty of shops both in the cities and in the resorts. In Sousse, for example, there are a dozen vape shops. In Hammamet, there are a few. On Djerba, there are a few shops in Houmt Souk (the capital of the island).
Finding a shop is not difficult. Get in a taxi and say "vape shop", taxi drivers usually know these shops. Or search on google.maps, but unfortunately not all shops are marked there. In addition, the authorities sometimes close these shops and confiscate the goods.
Very expensive! And no wonder, as almost all the products are contraband. And the official RNTA products are overpriced.
The prices for 10 milliliters of vape liquid range from 10 to 20 Tunisian dinars. For the current dinar exchange rates, see our review "Money in Tunisia".
We can't say anything about the prices of iQos at all, as it's almost impossible to find iQos on sale.
- What else you can and can't bring with you through Tunisia Customs, read our detailed review "What you can and can't bring into Tunisia";
- What else to take with you to Tunisian resorts apart from liquids and sticks, read our review "What to take to Tunisia".
Have a great vacation in Tunisian resorts, and read our in-depth guide to the country (see the list of the pages below).
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